“I believe in the immortality of theatre. It is the most blessed hiding place for those who secretly put their childhood in their pockets and went off to play for the rest of their lives.” – Max Reinhardt
Photo by my mom <3
Who is Kelly?
I've loved playing pretend for as long as I can remember, which is why that Reinhardt quote (above) is one of my favorites. My mom fondly recalls frequent afternoons when a pint-sized, 4-year-old Kelly would put on shows in the living room, standing atop an overturned Tupperware container and singing her little heart out. Now, my life is not so different from those childhood days, save for the fact that I'm lucky enough to be performing on stages that are just a bit bigger than a Tupperware.
Growing up in Northwest Indiana, I immersed myself in the Chicagoland theatre scene, and began my training at the age of 10. The art that has always spoken to my soul is that which changes its audience, and leaves them walking away from the performance with the knowledge of something new--about themselves, the human experience, or the world at large. I strive to ground all of my work in love and intention, with the hope that those who witness my performances walk away with not only a different worldview, but a kinder one. As an actor, I love to tackle complex, warm, whip-smart characters who never back down from their dreams. The life-changing physical text analysis training I recieved from Maria Porter informs all of my work, and enables me to achieve a unique level of personalization and specificity in every performance. I hope to spend my career with other kind, ambitious, creative professionals who love telling stories (and playing pretend) as much as I do. Favorite credits include Jo March (Little Women), Alice Murphy (Bright Star), and Texas/Dance Captain (Cabaret).
Photo by Olivia Throckmartin
Just finished:
I've Got My Eyes on You by Mary Higgins Clark
Currently reading:
The Guest by Emma Cline